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Author Topic: E- Guitar as Practise Set for Acoustic Guitars?
the German-
Posts: 253
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Post E- Guitar as Practise Set for Acoustic Guitars?
on: October 15, 2012, 13:06

I know that there are Guitar players under us.
So i d like to know your Opinion.

I did "learn" to play the Guitar more than 30 Years ago. Not very much, all i did know was to grab some chords and basic Fingerpicking.
I did play 6 and 12 string acoustiuc guitars.
I didnt play for more than, maybe 20 Years.

Now i want to beginn again. And i guess i have to start with basics again because this time i want to learn it on a porpper way.

Anyway, i am anoying my neibours already with several hours of tooting around on my Whistles, and i dont want to add the sound of learning guitar as well.

So, even if never was interested into play electric Guitars before (maybe now i am) i thought it would be a possibility to practise on an electric Guitar with headphones. I would get a cheap beginner e guitar for practise.

I heard that electric Guitars are easy to grab.
But i did play only 6 strings Concert guitars and 12 string western guitar (but no 6 string western guitars) because i "needed" (wanted) a wide fingerboard. I have large big hands.
So maybe it would be a good practise to get used to the smaller fingerboard or an electric guitar but maybe it would make things more difficult.
Also, as someone who never did play an electric guitar i am not sure if its good to practise on an e guitar if i mostly want to play acoustic guitars. This may change, because maybe i like to e guitar.

Right now i only own a 12 string guitar and no 6 string guitarS anymore. It would be realy hard to start on that 12 string guitar but on the other way i still could just put 6 strings on and have a wide fingerboard but only 6 strings to make life easier for me and my poor (beginner) fingers. On the other side, my goal is sooner or later a 6 string western guitar, or maybe even a guitarcitter (nice medivial and folk like sounding). Anyway, after checking out some youtube tutorials for e guitar i think i may like to play that as well (but only secondary)

what do you guys, who do play e guitars, think?

at least for the people around me it would be nice if i practise with headphones on an e guitar instead of my big and loud 12 string western guitar 😉

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Re: E- Guitar as Practise Set for Acoustic Guitars?
on: October 17, 2012, 17:55

For everybody who can read German (or translate with google ;-))
Here is my thread about this in a German Musician Forum buying my first E Guitar, not just as a practise set

Yes, ...
I did decide that i want an E Guitar
I did decide i want a Fender Stratocaster Copy
I did decide that i want a Fender Squier Bullet Strat SSS

Still have to decide which colour and have to go shoping 😉

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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Post Re: E- Guitar as Practise Set for Acoustic Guitars?
on: October 19, 2012, 12:51

Good for you Andreas! Learning multiple instruments just makes you a better musician.
Big hands vs. little hands is is nothing to worry about. Look at someone like Stevie Ray Van .. HUGE hands and one of the best blues guys ever. He could choke a guitar like no other. Then look at some one like gypsy jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt ... he had 2 paralized fingers on his fretting hand!
I have very small hands so I find large stretched bar chords a challange. Great thing about the guitar is the various ways you can find your own way around playing a piece and adapt. Because of this it is vary easy to recognize a player by their sound.
What I do for quite electric playing is to use a multieffects pedal ... like a POD or a g series ZOOM. They have different amplifier voicings and any guitar effect you could think of and usually a drum machine with a headphone output. IF you have an Ipod or Iphone/Ipad you can get iRig or another similar effects package to practise quietly.

the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Re: E- Guitar as Practise Set for Acoustic Guitars?
on: October 19, 2012, 13:22

thanks for encouraging me

I am really looking forward to play E Guitar.
I never was interested in them, just in acoustic Guitars but in the last days i did spend many hours every day to find out online everything about e guitars what i can .... and i am realy hooked now.

As a rebeginner (after 25 years) who never did play well and without sheetmusic or any musictheory, this time i want to learn it on a propper way - with theory.

Can you name a good onlinecourse?

By the way, i made an upgrade from the Squier Bullet Strat and did order a Fender Squier Affinity Strat with a Fender Amp in a Set. Plus some other Things new Headset, Tuner, ...
I think i will get them Monday 😉

Thats the one i did order.
Isnt this a Beauty?
I know that the sunburst design is often seen but its kinda "original" style and I like this dark brown sunburst .
I thought about a vintage look in surfgreen but did decide for the sunburst now.

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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Post Re: E- Guitar as Practise Set for Acoustic Guitars?
on: October 19, 2012, 18:02

Good choice! Can't go wrong with a fender amp!

Check out the tpdri forum ... these guys are Telecaster nuts but they love all guitars. The also sponser a yearly build-your-own guitar contest and a great give-a-way , which is on right now. If you donate $25 bucks to them you get one entry to win one of 6 high end or custom made guitars.

Steviesnacks is also good ... he sells vedio lessons (Texas Blues stlye) but has lots of free content:

the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Re: E- Guitar as Practise Set for Acoustic Guitars?
on: October 19, 2012, 18:16

Thank you
i will check them out

I also got this link on a german musician forum
Its english and its lots of videos and its on a donate base - it seems quite good and even if there are no theory lessons he recomends them and provides an e-book for it.
I think music theory is important for me.
But there is nothing about reeding sheet music, maybe i dont need that for guitar? I really want the whole package this time and learn it propper, not just some strumming around like 30 years ago.

By the way, my guitar is on the way already, just got the "departure e-mail"

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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Post Re: E- Guitar as Practise Set for Acoustic Guitars?
on: October 23, 2012, 02:02
Quote and Learn and master guitar are my recommendations, Learn and master guitar is one of many "Dvd based learning systems" by the Legacy teaching company the guitar learning system is spread over 20 dvd's, 6 audio cd's and 2 work book manuals the system will teach you every thing from simple melody playing to advanced chords and soloing. With many of the popular music playing styles covered.

The legacy community forum
Legacy product page

The manuals are free to download so you can see the topics covered here's a link to my own manual this is the first of two, I bookmarked it myself for easier reading and learning.

Learn and master manual guitar manual
View or click to download via download icon at top of page 🙂

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