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Author Topic: Whistles - Penny- Tin- or what do you call them?
the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Whistles - Penny- Tin- or what do you call them?
on: September 18, 2012, 23:20

Whistles how should we call them?
I need some input. How do you call your Whistles
Just wrote an Articel with my thoughts about it. See the Blog for Whistles – Penny- Tin- or what do you call them?

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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Post Re: Whistles - Penny- Tin- or what do you call them?
on: September 19, 2012, 13:52

I call it "irská píšťalka" 🙂

The word "píšťalka" means "whistle" (and "pískat" is a verb "whistle"). If I try write it as it can be best said by english, it would be probably [peeshtialka] (try to read it as english word and you'll almost heard a czech word "píšťalka" :-). Both "a" is read as "u" in english word "up").
Ehm, exact translation is "little whistle" because "irská píštala" is already taken by another instrument - by "low whistle" (a "k" added into "píšťalka" makes it smaller).
Although a recorder is called "zobcová flétna" ("beak(?) flute") and whistle is very similar, it is not called "flétna". "Irská flétna" is "irish transverse flute" which is not a whistle :-). "flétna" itself is "transverse flute".

But if I say "píšťalka", many (non-music) people thinks that is something which uses football judge. Strange.

P.S.: Czech word for "tin" is "cín". And for "metal plate" it is "plech".

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Post Re: Whistles - Penny- Tin- or what do you call them?
on: September 19, 2012, 15:33

"Whastles" colloquial pronunciation (altered English)

Example of in use: Do you like my whistles? = Dyeh lak ma whastles?

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"Life is not like a box of chocolates. It's more like a jar of jalapenos. What's good
today may burn your ass tomorrow" - unknown

the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Re: Whistles - Penny- Tin- or what do you call them?
on: September 19, 2012, 19:08

@ Kmarty
seems like flétna is the same as Flöte (floete) in german
that about the football judge is the same here too, its because of that little think with the pea inside the "trillerpfeife" (pfeife)

So if i say Whistle or even Whastles know native english speaker would think i play that thing with a little pea inside or am afootball judge?
Is Whastles just a form of pronaunciation or worth to be added into the "Tags" of the Blog articel? about the words for the instrument also called whistle

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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Post Re: Whistles - Penny- Tin- or what do you call them?
on: September 19, 2012, 23:06

Quote from Andreas the German Whistler on September 19, 2012, 19:08
So if i say Whistle or even Whastles know native english speaker would think i play that thing with a little pea inside or am afootball judge?
Is Whastles just a form of pronaunciation or worth to be added into the "Tags" of the Blog articel? about the words for the instrument also called whistle

Andreas whastle is not proper English, I'm using phonetic English to explain an Irish dialect (way of speaking) 😎

Checkout my whistling progress
"Life is not like a box of chocolates. It's more like a jar of jalapenos. What's good
today may burn your ass tomorrow" - unknown

the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Re: Whistles - Penny- Tin- or what do you call them?
on: September 20, 2012, 00:10

but would native speakers know that i mtalking about an instrument when i say whistle or would they think i am a football judge and play that pea inside thingy?

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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