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Author Topic: TunePal App - Play Irish whistle? then check it out
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Posts: 126
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Post TunePal App - Play Irish whistle? then check it out
on: August 22, 2013, 13:24

I acquired this app(lication) for my android tablet and gladly foresee an end to the problem of getting all my standard music notation or ABC for others in one central location for easy access 🙂

The app was created by Dr Bryan Duggan, hidden under it's simple interface TunePal carries the database power to provide info on thousands of Traditional tunes and there variations. As well as that you get provided with the ability to query a tune played live via the Tunepal database through the microphone on your mobile device to do this does require an Internet connection wifi, mobile data etc; the app also has tune playback, personal tune library ability to search multiple online resources and ABC edit functionality all for the price of a pint of Stout 😉

The pc online version of the application can be found here
The android version is here
The IOS (Apple) version is here

The pc online version of the application can be found here
The android version is here
The IOS (Apple) version is here

Tunepal for Android Demonstration
The TunePal interface has changed from this iteration but the functionality is the same.

Checkout my whistling progress
"Life is not like a box of chocolates. It's more like a jar of jalapenos. What's good
today may burn your ass tomorrow" - unknown

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