I never learned reading sheetmusic but always wanted to learn to read those "dots" and playing an isntrument by them.
So i started 6 month ago to play the penny whistle and reding sheetmusuic.
I am still very bad in reading this notation.
Because i transcribed all dots into numbers (6 for D, 5 for E, and so on, because by playing a D on a standard D whistle i have to close all 6 holes). So i was able to read those "dots" slowly but never fast enough to play tunes by reading them.
Now, since i changed my Tutorial from the bad German one to the well known and often recomended Bill Ochs Book, i became very slow in my learning progress because i struggle with those dots.
I play all i now by Memory, i learn fast by Tabs or Numbers and even by Ear but i want to learn also reading sheetmusic fast enough, i think its time for it now, if i dont learn it now, ill never do.
So i went back to the forst and easy tuines i learned,, the ones with just 3 notes, like maybe B, A, G or F, E, D, ...a and of course i can read those, but if there is more than 4 Notes, maybe 5 or 6, i struggle ....and it takes a loooong time to identify an E (a realy easy one id say) sometimes.
I guess, one reason, why i have those problems, is the tounging on the Whistle.
If i would read a "D" in the Notation and pronaunce a "D" in my mind or even with the mouth, it would be easier for me as if i always "pronaunce something like a "T" or "D" by tounging,...because then its getting hard to sepperate the , D, E, G; B, .... in my mind, ... they all sound like "ti" and i guess its not helpfull to create connections in your brain for what the eye see, the mind has to understand and the finger has to do, if you "call" it all the same "Ti".
What do you whistlers think about it?
Did or do you have the same Problems?
I will try now, reading easy tunes and use "glotal stops" instead of "tounging" and "pronaunce" "Dee", "E", EF", "Gee" "A" "Be" in my Mind and Throat while reading the sheetmusic and playing.
Maybe just one time and than repeat one time by tounging.
I guess this will be a good way to "connect" the position of the dot and the note wich has to be played, better then as if i would be tounging.
Do you have other recomendations on how to be able to play what you read?
Maybe i just have to learn more tunes out of the Bill Ochs Book by reading the given notation there, but i already know the easy ones from that german tutorial wich gave me numbers written over the dots and even if i tried not to look at them, of course i did and never learned reading the dots propperly.