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Author Topic: Happy 2013 everybody
the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Happy 2013 everybody
on: January 3, 2013, 00:54

Happy New Year to everybody here on MMCN.
Its a bit late (night from 2nd to 3rd here already) But better late wishes than not at all, isnt it?

I think all of the current members of this community did start with a new Instrument in 2012, so one day in 2013 will be the day for everybody when its one year learning to play this new instrument .... i wish all of us that we can say at this day, that we developed some good skills on that instrument and feel comfortable with it .... and of course have the wish to continue

So far with my whishes

Now a little "update" about me;
I did end 2012 nearly without music because a strong cold did made it imposible for 2 weeks to play whistle and some cuts in my fingers did make it for more than a week impossible to play guitar

anyway, that made the wish of making music even stronger and i took the chance today to start again a more regular practise routine again after i did slip into a kind of "undisciplined play along and not practise seriously" routine for a while

I still have some (well, plenty) health problems and also more work to do than i can manage (self imployed and sick dont fitt well), so there is not much time for music, but on the other side music is somehow a cure for me, so i use more time for music than i realy have ....BUT somewhen in the beginning of this year (i guess february) i will start a "Cure" (Rehabilitation) for some month and in that time i probably will have just little time to be online
i guess i will take some whistles with me but no guitar, so right now i play more guitar then whistle ... so my progress on my whistles is maybe more a step back than a progress right now .... (didnt play for 2 weeks at all - see above)

anyway, i am still very intressted in music and also in this community but wanted to tell you why i may be online less times and less active right now or in the near future

there are several threads i find interesting and whish to take part in the discussions and i will try to find time for it but dont be surprised when i will be not online at all for a while during spring of 2013
there are also many articles i want to write for the blog and i am planing some videos and other stuff.... but more than planing cant be done right now

Anyway, my best whishes to all of you and have a lot of fun and successs playing your instruments ... and have a great (musical) 2013

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
Be Active and enjoy! This Community is what WE make out of it!

I play Whistles since May 2012
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My Youtube Playlists (Stuff i like to view)

Senior Member
Posts: 126
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Post Re: Happy 2013 everybody
on: January 10, 2013, 00:45

Andreas, a belated Happy New Year my friend and my best wishes to you and yours. Have a loads of fun and success playing your instruments and have a great (musical) 2013 🙂

Checkout my whistling progress
"Life is not like a box of chocolates. It's more like a jar of jalapenos. What's good
today may burn your ass tomorrow" - unknown

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