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Author Topic: Tunes and Songs the defination
the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Tunes and Songs the defination
on: September 18, 2012, 17:42

Did you ever think about the difference between Tunes and Songs?
Well in did and thought its maybe just a language problem that this question accours to me but maybe its something special about ITM (irish traditional muisc) because i never heard the word tunes so often as when ITM fans talk.

And because i planed a new Blog/Magazin Category about "Songs" or "Tunes" or whatever word i should use ... i thought, go and ask on C&F (chiff and fipple forum).
I thought my question may be again just boring as a newbie question or even worse, a typical german (a bad thing for some people i guess) question because lack of english knowlegde 😉

But hey, isnt it ironic, that on c&f, where we were told, by the moderators, to go and built our own place, if we want to talk about what we want to talk about, and why i DID built this place (Our Music Community Net), that there this thread of mine became somthing like a moderator magnet and they cant stop discussing it? 😉

Well i am still active on c&f, there is to much knowlegde and to many interesting people to meet there to stay away, but my writing activity there became rare since some kicks into the ass, which i collected there by childish behaiving moderators.
Also i am busy here
But now, one of my rare posting seems to be very interesting to them.
If they even noticed what they lost when they told us to built our own place?
We will have many interesting questions and probably not ask all of them there anymore 😉

Anyway, back to topic, if you think about the difference bettween tune and song, have a look at the thread on c&f Tunes and songs - is there a differfence?

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
Be Active and enjoy! This Community is what WE make out of it!

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Posts: 34
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Post Re: Tunes and Songs the defination
on: September 25, 2012, 15:41

I think a tune is a simple repeating pattern ... Irish tunes are typically an "A" part and a "B" part. You repeat each part twice. They can convey an idea or a feeling ... I burried my wife and danced on her grave ... you hear it played and you see it in your head. Tripping up the stairs .. yup thats what it sounds like. A Song tells a story. It's more involved.

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