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Author Topic: Uilleann This on c&F?
the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Uilleann This on c&F?
on: May 4, 2013, 18:51

Probably interesting for our founders
i just found this thread about an UilleannThis on Chiff and fipple forum

for our not Founding members i should explain that the reason why we did start this community here was
we wanted to have a "recording thread" in the Chiff and fipple forum where we could share and compare our recordings and were told that it would be like a "whistle this" and not be welcome and not accepted there

Now someone had the idea of a recording thread for Uileann Recordings .... and a moderator directly asked curious "Ullien this"?
lets see if it will be allowed in this case, well its not "whistles" and not asked by beginners but who knows ... will be interesting for our founders to follow that

i hope for the Ullienners (is that the right word? or is it just "pipers") that they can have their thread there but somehow it would make me feel being treated differently

anyway i am glad that we have this place now and hope that our small community will continue to grow

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
Be Active and enjoy! This Community is what WE make out of it!

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