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Author Topic: Whsitles in differnt keys, Kindles & birthdays
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Post Whsitles in differnt keys, Kindles & birthdays
on: November 29, 2012, 03:16

I celebrated a birthday that's a 3 weeks back now and I amassed a small collection of spendable coinage Party Time 😛 Having this access coinage created a sudden need to spend as the coinage was burning holes in my pocketssss but I persevered and spent time figuring out what I would not regret buying afterwards first on my list was a proper reading device Di Dah! enter my Kindle keyboard with leather bound case and built in light, I work with crt and backlit monitors a lot so no back lights for me! Paper white E ink thinghy was the mutts golden ones and I'm enjoying reading again (it's so real I've just have to get over the habit of trying to turn the page lolz)

I NEXT addressed some WHOAD Symtoms not a lot but a little. I purchased Bb, C & G Generation whistles and 3 much needed 3m instrument cables. The whistles arrived in the Ebay special padded jiffy bag I had a squeeze first and was thinking 2 whistles 1 missing? and then open the package now someone should have told me the G whistle is a funny little tinker to look at I near guffawed in lolz on the spot 😯 The "Bb" it's a pretty big whistle and can get me out of breathe easily but sounds marvelously breathy. The C whistle I'm not so keen on but still it's in C that's good enough for now.

So with this little collection of different keyed whistles I've started practicing lifting each at least once every practice session. I find consistently when moving from D to Bb that I loose how a newish tune should sound I have to break the tune down again and pay attention to how the tune is formed going slowly until I get the tune reformed in Bb. Weird I think? anyways that process of switching keys helped me a lot today while I was working on Tarmon's Polka from Bill Och's Whistle tutorial (page 54) Working slowly and switching keys kept me super-duper engaged to the task at hand before the end of 2 hours practice I was listening to Bill and going yeah I'm starting to sound just a little like him seriously... 😎

so if you haven't 😮 at this point good luck and keep whistling 😀

Checkout my whistling progress
"Life is not like a box of chocolates. It's more like a jar of jalapenos. What's good
today may burn your ass tomorrow" - unknown

Posts: 32
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Post Re: Whsitles in differnt keys, Kindles & birthdays
on: November 29, 2012, 03:33

good luck ! i am collecting the goldie‘s whistle~~

the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Re: Whsitles in differnt keys, Kindles & birthdays
on: November 29, 2012, 13:14

Congratulations (even if i am late)

I am looking forward to get my generation set which i wanted to order last month already but had to spent money for other things first, so i may have to wait until x mas? who knows 😉

I have 3 C whistles and do like them all a lot, but even the C whistles surprise me sometimes how much more air i need to play them, ... i have to find out how a Bb or A or even low F Whistle "feels like" ... my next ones have to be "not D or C and deeper"

good luck for the next year and keep whistling 😉

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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Posts: 137
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Post Re: Whsitles in differnt keys, Kindles & birthdays
on: November 29, 2012, 18:41

I bought Freeman Generation brass set (Bb, C, D, Eb, high F, high G) a month ago (I'm not sure whether I told it here already).
I'm very curious who plays on that high G, because it is so small, almost unplayable (holes are too close together). I lending it to my son (3yrs).
From the other end, on Bb I play with something like "quarter piper's grip" - Upper hand is as usual, bottom hand hold it similar as on low whistle (but there's still big difference).
C whistle I used only once, when my son tried to sing a child song. I didn't noticed any breathing speciality on this whistle, except lack of habit on holes spacing.

D whistle is still a major whistle for me (hey, I have four D whistles now 🙂 - Clarke Sweetone, Walton's, Mellow Dog and Generation).

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