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Author Topic: i am back!《down by the salley gardon》,with SHAW D
Posts: 32
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Post i am back!《down by the salley gardon》,with SHAW D
on: October 17, 2012, 03:27

today,my son was born,and today is the date i had study whistles 8 months by myself。

the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Re: i am back!《down by the salley gardon》,with SHAW D
on: October 19, 2012, 23:12

i said it already on another place but let me say it here again
congratulation and my best whishes
you may want to post your soundfile to the "down by the sally gardens challenge thread"? which you find here challenge - down by the sally gardens
i tried to moove it but i can only moove the thread not the post ;-(

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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Posts: 42
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Post Re: i am back!《down by the salley gardon》,with SHAW D
on: October 27, 2012, 04:26

Hi Shao-yang,

I like the way you improvise it. It sounded more of a piccolo rather than a whistle. The sound was soothing and relaxing. I think you are using a technique of note gliding or glissando.

Where instead of hitting the note directly you are briefly passing on the other notes.

Example is from hitting D and G consecutively is
In Whistle technique you just blow and lift the fingers.

The glissando is like gliding the note D to note G where you hit the note E and F# briefly.

The glissando creates a soothing effect on slow music and is much more common in flutes and other woodwinds.

Long notes and glissando is common on East Asia, where there are minimal accent/stress on the notes.

In comparison with Irish Trad, trad is more of beats and consistent measure, unlike glissando where it seems free.

I kept on focusing on the Taps/Strike, Cuts or Grace notes and Rolls to keep the beat. I realized there are more that I can do without the ornaments.

Thanks for sharing this.

I also noticed that you play on two different scales D major and G major....i like how you transition, it was so smooth.

I love your breath vibrato as well.

Posts: 32
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Post Re: i am back!《down by the salley gardon》,with SHAW D
on: October 27, 2012, 07:40

dear angel,i just use the finger vibrato,not the breath~~them sound so Similar。

and the same tunes in D or G, transition is a simple thing in my View,(also chinese common view,because we always use “Numbered musical notation”,in diffirent keys,the “number of note” is the same one)

Posts: 42
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Post Re: i am back!《down by the salley gardon》,with SHAW D
on: October 27, 2012, 07:57

Really it is finger vibrato?

Normally finger vibrato sounds like a weak taping ornament repeated over and over and the breath vibrato sounds smooth. Im amazed how you do the finger vibrato.

Regarding the keys,
Im referring to the arrangement.

Its very crucial when you shift a scale specially that D and G major are 3 scales apart. They have the same keys except on the C# and Cnat.

They may sound similar but the effect of shifting them back and forth requires transitional keys or chord s to prepare the ear that the keys are changing.

The background sound added the soothing transition which i really liked.

Posts: 32
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Post Re: i am back!《down by the salley gardon》,with SHAW D
on: October 28, 2012, 09:43

my finger vibrato:(i use SHAW whistle only!)
D ------------ no vib
E ------------ oooooh (h means half-hole)
F# ------------ ooooox
G ------------ ooooxo
A ------------ oooxxo
B ------------ ooxooo
C# and C ,i never use vib

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