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Author Topic: morning improvisation
the German-
Posts: 253
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Post morning improvisation
on: September 26, 2012, 09:07

Good Morning

I just did grab my clarke original penny whistle in d and played.
i just did let go and play whatever came into my mind or fingers ... and it sounded so nice to me that i conected the microphone and recorded my little morning impro.
At the end i had to fake a bit because i did play a squeaky tone and stoped, so i cut that out and recorded an additional end part.
Interesting is, that before the mic was conected i did play a "c" several times but in the recording i did play always a "b" or a "high d" instead and when i wanted to play that "c" on purpose, i did wrong and got that squeaky tone.
So in the additional recording i DID play a "c".
And after all that i did add a litlle echo.

Here is my little morning impro on an original clarke penny whistle in d

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Re: morning improvisation
on: October 13, 2012, 16:54

did just ask for feedback in the chiff and fipple forum
for everyone who want to follow the discussion there (hope there will be one ;-))
see it here: some of my recordings posted for feedback at chiff and fipple forum

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
Be Active and enjoy! This Community is what WE make out of it!

I play Whistles since May 2012
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