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Author Topic: Scarborough Fair on Waltons Brass D Penny Whistle
the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Scarborough Fair on Waltons Brass D Penny Whistle
on: September 26, 2012, 10:37

Today its recording day i guess. I am not only in a whistling moode but also in a recording moode.
So i took my Waltons Brass D Whistle and recorded once again Scarborough Fair.

Some of you have listend to my first recording of it and i hope you can see a development.
This time i did play it less fast, maybe still to fast.
Also there are still some "mistakes" but i did take the first recording for a reason of naturality.
I did add some echo wich maybe inst in a way of naturality but i cant resist of adding echos 😉

You can hear that i still have dificulties with the breath and tounge controll on the Waltons (here and there), specialy in the lower tones it has so much "chiff" when tounge it to hard and just a litle bit to fast air comes out, it seams to squeak at the beginning of the tones.
But so more control of this i get so more i like my waltons for its sound. Its a little beast but its lovely. Well they all are, arent they?
Thoughts, critic, opinions, own recordings, ... every feeddback is apreciated.

Oh not to forgett, here is the soundfile 😉 : Scarborough Fair on Waltons Brass D Penny Whistle by Andreas Fischer the german Whistler

By the way, i did play the verses 3 times, i know i like to play everything everytime different, i hope this ones fitt.

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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Posts: 42
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Post Re: Scarborough Fair on Waltons Brass D Penny Whistle
on: September 28, 2012, 04:34

Hi Andreas,

You are getting fast on some parts and slow on some parts. But I enjoyed it nevertheless.

the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Re: Scarborough Fair on Waltons Brass D Penny Whistle
on: September 28, 2012, 11:42

Thanks for the feedback.
Feedback is important, thats why i did upload the recording.

Yes it can be that my speed is changing, maybe that is one of my big problems?
Because i am used not to tap to the beat, to be honest i ignore the "beat" i just play like i feel.

I think when playing a dance tune that is fatal.
But what about a song like this, a ballad, no one want to dance to it, is it ok to change the tempo or is it to be avoided?
I dont know and am very unsure.
Is this bad or ok when i change the speed?
Is it " a kind of interpretation" or just "not having a feeling for the tune"?

And, did i always change at the samer places or did i at least play the 3 verses the same way, ...s ee i dont even know when or where i do it i just know that i am always unsure about which speed is right.
in this case i tried to play like i would sing the tune.

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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Posts: 42
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Post Re: Scarborough Fair on Waltons Brass D Penny Whistle
on: October 3, 2012, 02:42

Quote from Andreas the German Whistler on September 28, 2012, 11:42
Thanks for the feedback.

Is it " a kind of interpretation" or just "not having a feeling for the tune"?

According to my friend who is a music major,

playing things fast is a beginners syndrome.

Beginner's Syndrome/ or Should I say common Mispractice of beginners Are:

Playing Fast and
Paying Irregular/Inconsistent Beats

Honestly on Voice as my major instrument, Beats is not an issue, minimal issue, it is because I have trained my ear on that.

I have noted, that when I first studied whistle, I was not observing beats. I was just observing the melodic pattern.

After the C&F, I realized that there are 3 major components of music that is very essential, which I have taken for granted.

Rhythym and

Melody is the Actual pitch/note played. It rhythmically organized sequence of single tones so related to one another as to make up a particular phrase or idea.
Every key conveys a certain emotion and playing a sequence or order or timing (rhythm) can create a varied emotion.

Rhythm is the timing of how the notes are played. The time value of notes also create a certain depth or height in the feeling.
This is the usual part neglected by the beginers, but this is very essential as this character is the one that will help you go with other instrument.

If you can imagine yourself playing with a violinist, with the same piece but in different tempo. It creates a chaos in the structure of sound since the order is not observe.

Rhythm is somewhat the condition or the rule that gives an order that all the instruments playing the same piece needs to follow to create a good sound.

Harmony is the combination of notes played simultaneosly
of one or more instruments, in the same rhytmic pattern which balances the tension and relief of the hearing.

So if your rhythm is bad, you may create a good music on your own, but you will not create a good harmony with other instruments.

the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Re: Scarborough Fair on Waltons Brass D Penny Whistle
on: October 13, 2012, 17:03

thanks angel, thanks this was helpfull
i know that i, same as many other beginners, tend to play to fast
but playing some parts to fast and some not, that was new for me and its a bigger problem i guess and so i apreciate your advices

even if it will be hard for me to work on this, because i do not like to tap to the beat, i never do, and find a metronom duisturbing or just ignore it because i have to deal with other things like remembering the notes or reading them or hitting the holes 😉
also i do like to think about the whistle as an instrument played as used the voice, and for the voice, as you said, tempo isnt that important

same as you did, i take care of the melody but not for the rhythmn
i may have to work on this problem

by the way, i did ask for feedback for this trecording on c&f as well
see it here: some of my recordings posted for feedback at chiff and fipple forum

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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