Quote from kmarty on May 30, 2013, 18:49
(Strange, forum didn't send notification by e-mail)
cant say why, i still think i shouldnt have choiosed mingle and still would love to change to vbulletin or phpbb, but as long as there is so little activity and as long as i am still ill, ... i cant change now
Quote from kmarty on May 30, 2013, 18:49
Maybe it is just an accident. The tune should be played faster and I didn't imagine anything with butterflies. Maybe because I saw this video :-): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFOzHU7otGI#t=112s
I don't have this kind of imagination.
but there ARE butterflies in that video, sweet little green ones 😉
Quote from kmarty on May 30, 2013, 18:49
Actually I can learn a tune for less than two days. But next approx five days are critical - I have to play it at least these days otherwise I forget it (I often ends with I can't remember begin of yesterday-learned tune). The more days I play it, the longer I remember it. Fortunately I remember all tunes in this thread yet :-). But it is due to playing them again and again all time than I can remember it forever (which I don't).
Maybe you were surprised how much helps me recording these tunes to post them here - it takes several recordings until I have something what I can place here.
you are fast
in the beginning, one year ago, i did learn very fast, i think, but those were easy tunes
a half year later, i did remember every tune i learned because i did play them all every day
since i started with the guitar again i played first, no whistle at all, than a little bit and now daily again but not that much ... and i learn slow now, maybe because the tunes arfe more difficult, maybe because i learn severa tunes at the same time on 2 instruments, maybe because i am ill ... i nearly dont sleep and when i sleep it has no quality, i am always very tired and cant concentrate ...
anyway, for example greensleeves, i startet in february and play every day and now, finaly, i can play it by memory, without need to look at notation, on whistle and guitar
but i still need time to find out how i want to play it, it just starts n ow that i get a real good feeling for the tune and know between what i need to decide ....
the easy tunes i learned first when i did beginn, i still can play them, but not all by memory, i need to look at notation here and there, and the feeling for the tunes, knowing or feeling where to pronounce it more or less, is gone ... but anyway i have a "matschkopf" as i say in german, "muddhead" in english ... because of my illness
Quote from kmarty on May 30, 2013, 18:49
Anyway, next week is here and next tune too 🙂 (BTW. I played it whole just yesterday. As almost all tunes I recorded here)
Tune of this week is: The Rambling Pitchfork
T: The Rambling Pitchfork
|:A|d2e fed|ecA AFA|d2d efg|faf gfe|d2e fed|ecA AGF|G2G BGB|AFD D2:|
... oh my i forgot to listen to it ... ill listen and comment later ... see u then
anyway nice to read that recording and postinmg here helps you
it shows that its still good to have this site, even if most of our founders seem to be vasnished (wrote emails to everyone of them several times).... but there will be more one day 😉