Hi ggiles, i am glad that you found into the forum as well
so we are now 5 of the 6 who were interested at first, thats good.
Hi everybody else too
very first of all: i am still sick and cant concentrate well and long so forgive me if my writing, spelling, choosed words this time will be quite bad, or even worsed than normaly 😉 but i try
first of all; good thread, this is important
i thought about if we should discuss this here or if i should move the thread into the discussions forum, or if we should just keep this one as the monthly "whats the next song?" thread
we have to decide this
ggiles wrote:
"So what should are next tune be for the beginner to master? What tune after that and so on?"
good question but:
did we get enough out of the first challenge?
could we do more?
discuss, learn, record again ...?
i mean should we always just record, post and see what happens or should we think about how we can improove our results?
For me it was a nice thing to learn that tune which i maybe wouldnt had known and learned whitout this challenge and i am happy about the possibilitys that tune gives but i am sure we didnt "get into it" at all, we just scratched at the surface .... maybe we keep the threads all open and everybody post new recordings wehnever ...or we could discuss now what we all could do more, better, different,... i am not sure
we should think about this
anyway still the question "whats next" remains
i would say it mustnt be ITM only
it should be anything the grpup like to learn
it shouldnt be anything from the tutorial of bill ochs lessons, cause some of us use this anyway and there are and will be recordings of it already and everybody can join there (or should it?) i mean i wouldnt like to learn lesson 8 before i mastered lesson 3 for example and i wouldnt recomend it for anyone, so tunes which are not in the used tutorials should be prefered i think
the other question is how do we want to decide?
if this challenge would have winner and looser i would recoment that the looser always choose the next tune 😉 but we dont want to have winners and loosers, do we?
maybe everyone should choose one tune, first user a, than user b, than user c, and so on?
or we all name some tunes/songs and we just take whats named most times
or we let the dice decide 😉
we should think about this all, speacialy for the future
about your list; i cant listen to all this now but i hope it will be a very easy tune this time cause otherwise i may not be able to take part cause my sikness this month
on the other side i still didnt post a serious recording of the first tune yet 😉
for this reasons i hope it can be this month something i already know
what about "concerning hobbits"? its easy and beautifull
or "scarborough fair"? one of my favorites on the whistle and guitar
or "Me a gar eur goulmik"? easy andf beautifull and John (Whistler already knwo it too)
or "Oh Susanna"?
but i take what the group choose and hope i can take part, i will record what i can i promise
oh and we should decide how long each challenge should be, so long untill everybody did post a reecording, monthly depoending on the tune?
we should decide this one day too
please answere all to those things we all have to decide togehter otherwise we may have to decide with just 2 or 3 of us cause this has to be decided