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Author Topic: Forum Rules & Guidelines ?
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Posts: 126
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Post Forum Rules & Guidelines ?
on: September 2, 2012, 12:43

My provided content is an edited version of rules from other forums

Forum Rules & Guidelines

These discussion boards exist for the education and encouragement of everyone learning music/instrument. These boards are unapologetically encouraging, supportive, and positive. It is a safe place where people of any skill level can find information, encouragement, and support.

If you want to demean people, be a jerk, or generally cause trouble, leave now. This place is not for you.

If you want to learn and meet others from all over the world as they learn, then come on in. You are the reason this place exists.

While anyone may view the discussion board only members may post. We also expect you to use a real email address. The admin reserves the right to remove / move messages at any time, and, if necessary, ban people who don’t follow the rules. In posting a message you are agreeing to the rules laid out below. If you do not agree to the rules, do not post. We have a very simple, common sense and liberal set of rules which we expect every poster to follow. The forums are provided as a free service. Don't ruin it for everyone else. IP addresses, user id's and email addresses are recorded with each message. Have a complaint about a particular poster? Contact us immediately.

1. Respect. Treat all fellow forum members with respect. Communicate with courtesy and civility. Intelligent debate is permitted. Childish fighting is not. Racially derogatory remarks are not tolerated. Any talking “down” to people of lesser experience or ability, ruins the whole point of this learning and support forum. If you are repeatedly abusive you will be banned from these forums. If you feel that someone is being inappropriate or demeaning, you can report their post to the moderator. These posts will then be evaluated, and if need be deleted and the posters temporarily banned from posting.

2. Expletives, Rants, & Sexually Inappropriate Communication. Inappropriate communication in these forms will not be tolerated. Your post will be deleted and you risk being banned from the forum.

3. Spam is prohibited. Do not post the same question or comment in multiple forums......once is enough.

4. Post your question or comments in the most appropriate forum category. If you don’t know where to put it, put it in the “Open Talk” section.

5. Try to use descriptive titles for your posts. Try to avoid post with subject of "help". If the post is about slide guitar , put "Slide Guitar" in the subject line. This helps others to know what the post is about and also helps the search function find the post when needed.

6. Signatures at the bottom of your posts must be short and it good taste.

7. Avatars. You may upload your own personal avatar to be displayed under your name in every post that you make. Avatars must be in good taste and follow the rules of the forum.

8. Neighborhood Watch. Help keep this forum a positive, informative, and encouraging place to hang out and talk. If you see a post that does not follow the rules stated above, please report it to the admin.

9. Advertising. This is not your free advertising space. Don’t clutter up the board with multiple advertising posts getting people to come to your website. Posters are encouraged to have links to websites that they have found personally beneficial. But if it is deemed that you are using the board to advertise for your company then you will be banned and have all of your messages removed.

10. Have fun!

Checkout my whistling progress
"Life is not like a box of chocolates. It's more like a jar of jalapenos. What's good
today may burn your ass tomorrow" - unknown

the German-
Posts: 253
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Post Re: Forum Rules & Guidelines ?
on: September 2, 2012, 13:24

That looks very good to me.
It was surely some work to create it.

I can agree to all but we should think about the avatar part. I would be happy if only avatars would be used which dont brake any copyright rules ... something like this, i guess we cant expact to upload only real pictures (your real face) specialy as the admin himself .... well thats another story 😉

also: what about the terms of membership do we need both or this rules instead? or a mix?
my first quickly made "Terms" are more or less a "overworked copy" i think we should see which part from the terms we need to add to this here, overthink the avatars and repleace these words here in the "terms" site, right?

Andreas Fischer the German Whistler
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Senior Member
Posts: 126
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Post Re: Forum Rules & Guidelines ?
on: September 3, 2012, 11:06

Andreas I used another set of rules as a guideline and adjusted them to suit what we have going here "My Music Community Net" use adjust what parts you like 🙂

Checkout my whistling progress
"Life is not like a box of chocolates. It's more like a jar of jalapenos. What's good
today may burn your ass tomorrow" - unknown

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